Amid the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Donegal continues to be there when it matters most for our agents and policyholders and has increased community outreach efforts.
As the COVID-19 pandemic began to shut down Central Pennsylvania, Donegal Insurance Group and Ross Insurance Agency teamed up to show appreciation for essential workers by providing meals to Lancaster EMS staff. Venice Pizza & Pasta Restaurant, Donegal’s policyholder, prepared the meals that were delivered to Lancaster EMS stations across Lancaster County.
“We are blessed to have an outstanding EMS staff working the front-line and those working behind-the-scenes in vital supporting roles. Our amazing workforce has demonstrated strength and professionalism through these difficult times,” said Bob May, Lancaster EMS Executive Director.
“We are humbled by the support and generosity from both Donegal Insurance Group and Ross Insurance Agency for their strong community support and commitment to public safety.”
In a similar effort, Enders Insurance partnered with Mellow Minded Café to provide meals to the staff at UPMC Pinnacle Community Osteopathic. “The team at Enders is grateful for our friends and neighbors that continue to serve our community in the most challenging times. We encourage our clients to find ways to celebrate first responders even after the COVID-19 crisis is under control,” said Andrew Enders.
As the stay-at-home order continued, Donegal enlisted the help of Apex Advertising to donate over 200 care packages to Excentia Human Services staff who are working to support people in residential homes.
“On behalf of Excentia Human Services, we would like to sincerely thank our community partners Donegal and Apex for this wonderful donation” said CEO of Excentia Human Services, Chris Shaak. “Excentia Human Services supports people in 33 residential homes and continues to do so throughout this crisis. Our Direct Support Professionals and other staff are doing an incredible job and remain dedicated to the people they support every day.”
Donegal’s staff in Athens, Ga., raised money for the Food to CCSD (Clarke County School District) Community Fund, which is managed by the Athens Area Community Foundation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many students get a significant portion of their daily nutrition through breakfasts and lunches provided at their school. This fund ensures over 4,000 meals are prepared each day and distributed to the students of CCSD.
Dan DeLamater, a Senior Vice President at Donegal, presented the team’s donation to Sarah McKinney, President & CEO of the Athens Area Community Foundation.

Donegal continues to partner with many local businesses and independent agents to support our community during this difficult time. A few recent collaborations include:
- Donating bottled water to first responders, nonprofits and school districts
- Making donations to the Central Pa. Food Bank and other local food pantries
- Donating hand sanitizer to media outlets and lip balm to healthcare workers
- Providing meals to healthcare professionals and other essential workers as part of the #StrongerTogether Initiative