Home Safety Features

Is your home safe? The more of the following home safety features you have, the less likely you are to experience a fire or liability loss. In addition, some of the safety features below may qualify you for discounts on your homeowner’s insurance policy!
- Smoke detectors installed
- Heat detectors installed
- Carbon monoxide detectors installed
- Burglar alarm/security system installed
- Fire extinguishers accessible and in working order
- Dead-bolt locks installed
- Sprinkler system installed
- Fire wall (between multi-family dwellings)
- Fire escapes accessible
- Updated wiring adequate for appliances, etc.
- Updated heating system inspected by safety professional
- Supplemental heating systems, such as wood stove, coal stoves, pellet stoves, and fireplace inserts properly installed and adequately maintained.
- Lightning rods installed
- Outside antenna properly grounded
- Pool fenced in and gate kept locked
- Sidewalks in good condition
- Handrails installed on all stairs with three or more steps
- Dogs kept restrained
- Children’s play equipment in good condition
- Flammable liquids such as gasoline/kerosene stored safely, preferably outside the house