October 9, 2023
It’s a Friday night in Athens, GA and Prince Avenue Christian School’s varsity football team is on the verge of scoring a touchdown. Amid the cheers and pulse of the game, one voice stands out among the rest as a beacon of support and encouragement.
By day, Dale is a respected Claims Representative for Donegal Insurance Group. But under those Friday night lights, “The Voice of the Wolverines” emerges, igniting the crowd as the announcer and music curator not only on the gridiron, but for varsity baseball, and basketball games too.
Dale’s impact goes beyond the roar of the crowd; he has the ability to bring a 6-foot, 285-pound lineman to tears.
“During football games, the offensive line typically doesn’t get a shoutout. I purposefully call all the linemen’s names at least once a game following a scoring drive and giving them credit for their block,” Dale said.
Donegal is proud to honor Dale, our 2023 Jefferson Award recipient, for his efforts to support the budding talent in youth sports both on and off the field.
Cementing his status as a member of their family, Prince Avenue Christian gifted Dale a personalized championship ring for his part in the program. But Dale’s dedication goes beyond announcing names. He invests his time in truly getting to know young athletes, taking a keen interest in their lives beyond the court or field. He’s been to their graduation ceremonies, and even a few baptisms.
When life gets in the way and Dale is unable to attend a game, he turns to social media, where his dedicated Instagram account acknowledges and appreciates individuals making positive moves in all corners of the country.
When asked why he felt it was important to have a positive attitude Dale responded, “I believe it is important to have a positive attitude in today’s world because it is so extremely contagious. We all encounter people who are sad, lonely, and/or angry all the time. We cannot control many things in this world and in our daily lives, but we can control our attitudes, so why would we not choose to havea positive attitude!?”
If you’re seeking a daily dose of encouragement, make sure to follow Dale’s account @voice_of_encouragemeant. It’s guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

Dale Shedd (right) was honored to PA at UTC’s Finley Stadium in Chattanooga to serve the Prince Academy Football team’s game.
Dale has a rich background in service, beginning with his time in the Marine Corps where he was responsible for President Reagan’s security at the Camp David Presidential Retreat. Following his military service, Dale transitioned to the Athens-Clarke County Police Department as a police officer. After making the decision to start a family with his wife, he chose to retire from law enforcement and embark on a successful career in the field of claims.
In 2019 Dale traded in his two-hour long commute to Atlanta for a mere ten-minute drive to Donegal’s regional branch in Athens, GA, where he’s since earned the affectionate title of “Donegal Dale,” for his natural ability to bring a smile to everyone’s face as the heart of the office.
“He’s always the cheerleader; optimistic, energetic, supportive, and ecnouraging,” said David Meadow, fellow Donegal Claims Representative and ex-police officer for the ACCPD.
Dale dedicates his days to encouraging those around him and ensuring that everyone in his circle feels well-supported, “Just pause for a second to think about how good you feel when someone supports or encourages you. I believe there is no act of kindness that is too small,” said Dale.
See what others are saying about Dale:
Immediately upon joining Donegal as a Casualty Claims Representative, Dale’s positive attitude and infectious personality were apparent. His dedication and empathy both in his personal and professional life is evident on a daily basis as his nickname indicates, “Donegal Dale” is a trusted and valued member of our team.
At Donegal, we talk about a Mission to be There When It Matters Most. That actually describes the life that Dale leads every day. First and foremost, Dale is a wildly talented casualty claims representative. But his ability to balance his professional skills and experiences with a genuine empathy and human connection is where he’s most impressive. The policyholders, agents, claimants, and colleagues of the Donegal Insurance Group are better because of Dale’s presence, and I am thankful for him.”

About The Jefferson Awards
Donegal Insurance Group is proud to join Multiplying Good in honoring individuals making meaningful contributions to our community, and to sponsor FOX43’s Jefferson Awards, which puts the spotlight on the unsung heroes in our everyday lives.
To recognize appreciation for each winner, Donegal will make a donation to the non-profit of their choice.