5 Things to do After a Property Loss

December 26, 2019

Little paper house being consumed by fire

Whether it’s a home or business, nearly all individuals have some form of property. The definition of property damage is “Physical injury to tangible property, including all resulting loss of use of that property.”

Property loss or damage is something you hope never occurs. However, if it does, are you prepared to handle it?


Important Things To Know:

  1. How to file a claim with your carrier/agent.
  2. How the claim process works.
  3. What your policy covers and what it doesn’t.


5 Things to do After a Property Loss:

  1. Contact your agent or carrier immediately! Be sure to find out:
    • If the damage is covered by your policy.
    • How quickly you need to file the claim.
    • If the damage exceeds your deductible.
    • How long the claim process will take.
    • If you need repair estimates.
  2. Take pictures of the damage.
  3. If the loss involves theft or vandalism, notify the police immediately.
  4. If possible, make temporary repairs to protect your property from further damage.
  5. Keep all receipts. From buying  supplies for the temporary repairs to relocating until the property is repaired. These expenses could be reimbursed.

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